Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Window Display

Today we set up the window display to scale in our classroom. Our teacher had market out an area with a sheet of the measurements that the window would be. We tried out different ideas of our display but eventually settled on one. We chose to use recycled materials also in our display as our theme is sustainabilty. As its Easter we though flowers sould be nice and summery . The tin cans were stuffed with shredded recycled paper. Having practised the layour we are now able to go down to the Concern store and put our display up quickly without being in the shoppers way.

We wrote a statement today that will appear in the window of the Concern shop on North Main St. It will allow us to explain to people who are passing by why we did the project and our thoughts about it.


As part of our transition year we decided on doing a project in Art class. We decided to base our project on the concept of up cycling, which is using old clothes to create new fashionable outfits. This is a great concept as not only is it a good idea to save some money, but it is an individual, eco friendly concept.

Up cycling is all about sustainability, an idea that although many designers are embracing, large corporations are not. This is very important as the fashion industry generates an extraordinary amount of waste and needs to become more eco-friendly.

The fashion industry is often regarded as a really glitzy and glamorous business and the general pubic are often unaware of some of the ethical issues behind it, such as sweatshops where child labour issues are a big problem. The cotton crisis in Uzbekistan affects millions of people, especially school children who have to work in the cotton fields instead of going to school. We recommend up-cycling to everyone as not only is it fun and enjoyable, but it is making an effort to fight a wrong that can be easy to ignore.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Window Display Design

Today we learnt about window display. We will be displaying our upcycled work in the window of the Concern Charity shop in North Main St, Cork. We were shown lots of images by our teacher of different shop windows from around the world to inspire us when we are thinking od a design. These images catch the peoples attention when they are passing the shop and act like advertisements of differetn products. We will use our display to advertise our clothes and to get people to up-cycle more.