Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Finished Junk Shadow Sculptures

We finished our junk shadow sculptures in todays lesson. Some of us changed the sculptures slightly but we are happy with them now. The shadows can create a different scene than the sculpture itself, so you can see two different sculptures in one! We spoke about junk art as being new and contempory in the art world and our teacher told us about Tracey Emin who won the most famous art prize, the turner prize for assembling her bed in a gallery.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Concern Window Display

A few of us went down to the Concern store on North Main St. and put up our window looks great!

Junk Shadow Art

We continued working with out Art project to create our Junk Shadow art pieces. This can also be called assemblage, which comes from the French word to assemble items together. Today we concentrated on making our piece look aethetically good itself and also on the shadow. We used the projectors and laid items on them to add scenery to our scultpures. Everyone found this an enjoyable class and we will finish them off next week.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Junk Shadow Art

Today we started a new discipline in Art called Junk Shadow Art. This means to create a sculpture out of junk or things that you find lying around the house and making a sculture of it, but concentrating also on the shadow it creates. This shadow can look completely different to the sculpture . Our teacher showed us some images by various differnt artists like Marcel Duchamp who brought a mens urinal into a gallery and called it art, to other artists like Robert Raushenburg and two artists called Tim Nobel and Sue Webster . These artists created amazing shadow scultures out of junk. They are really realistic and inspiring.

We then started our own sculptures working in two groups and using a projector to shine a light for the shadow.