Thursday, March 3, 2011


Today we started a new project on Sustainability. We learnt all about why you should re use and recycle items especially we learnt about the importance of recycing clothes. Our teacher showed us a DVD of 'White Gold' whihc was very sad. We learnt about the cotton indusrty in Uzbeckistan , and saw pupils and teachers of our own age being forced to work in cotton plantations in very poor conditions. Here are some of the visuals that we saw.

This is a clip of 'White Gold'

At lunch time our teacher set up a DVD of a film called 'China Blue'. This was really interesting and showed the life of a young girl who works in a chinese factory making jeans. This gave us an idea of what life is like for gament workers and taught us the importance of doing our new project of up-cylcing , whihc is to make old clothes into new clothes.

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