Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Amnesty International Christmas Cards

Today in art class we made christmas cards to help people get out of prison with amnesty greeting card campaign. We are doing an overall theme in class of 'freedom' and so this class allowed us to think more about the theme. We did this to give them support and hope during the  holidays. we made these cards using the method monoprinting,our teacher asked us to create images and pictures with a seasonal theme and we used these to made the shapes of the cards. Every girl in the class did at least one card,to the person of their choice. We put our own personal message inside the cards aswell. Our class thought this was important to do because we thought people should not be lonely over the holidays. It made us aware of abuses that are going on around the world and how some people are fighting for the freedom of others. This is what one of the people who had recieved cards in the past said:

“When the first 200 letters came the guards gave me 
back my clothes. Then the next 200 letters came and 
the prison director came to see me. When the next 
pile arrived the director got in touch with his superior. 
The letters kept coming and coming... 3,000 of them. 
The President was informed. The letters still kept 
arriving and the President called the prison and told 
them to let me go.” 

Julio de Peña Valdez, trade union leader from the Dominican Republic 

These are some pictures of the process of monoprinting

To change colour when printing, simply wash the acetate sheet and start again!

These are some of the cards that we made!

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