Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Light Graffiti

Today we tried our hand at some light graffiti , we all found it very exciting and couldn't wait to begin.
Firstly we learned about basic photography principles including shutter speed, aperture, f-stop and depth of field. This was really interesting. Some of the class had studies this briefly as they had completed photography disciplines in their Junior Cert.
We broke into groups of three and designed our image that we do would create in a  dark room next door to our class. This would involve using torches or different sort of lights, and using these as pencils and drawing in the dark. When a camera is on a very slow shutter speed, it captures all the light available and then creates an image. We mostly used a shutter speed on 10seconds. Anyone can do light graffiti if they have a camera that can be used on a manual setting, and have access to a dark space and a torch.

Our theme was 'freedom' for the light graffiti and we all brainstormed our ideas and came up with a final piece for each group . Group by group we went into the room and tried out our images twice for practice and then a final third time was our finished piece.

Here is some of the videos that we watched in class as inspiration.

Our photos turned out well, but it was very hard to make sure everyone was co-ordinated at the same time. Writing was especially hard to do and we found that we had to write backwards in order for it to appear correct in the photo. We used coloured lights to create nice effects....

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